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What's in Store for you...

I remember it all too well...

Sitting in the tiny office with the woman across from me explaining they found something on my Mammogram.

She told me, the next thing we have to do is....

I completely glossed over and didn't receive one word that was leaving her lips. With tears burning hot at the back of my eyes I asked her to please repeat everything she just said.


I learned two things in that moment.

1 - NEVER go to a screening appointment alone 

2 - Always bring paper and a pen


I was gutted. I called my friend and we cried hysterically in my car together. Time stood still, I had no idea what the future would look like. All the questions started swirling around my mind. Is this cancer? How do I stay healthy? What are my options? Do I go on my trip next week? And the list goes on.


I stood where you are and did it without a coach; the beautiful thing is that you don't have to. As a Certified Nutrition Coach & 200 HR RYT I am here to offer the tools of mindfulness and nutrition to help you on your cancer journey.


No matter what it looks like. 



Abou The Program


No two cancers are alike.


We will work together to create a customized program specific to your goals. Navigating the unknown, so you can focus on what's most important, adding more life to your days.






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Nourish Your Soul Wellness Testimonial B

Lucille Schiano 

"I took a 6 week Be Yoga Nutrition Program course with Amanda.  I found her to be knowledgeable and interesting.  She taught us to always take note of the ingredients on food labels and to also be mindful of what we are eating. Amanda made this class fun and helpful.  

Thank you Amanda!" 

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